How can I get a grant from the crous if I am a foreign student ?

Being a student is not always easy, especially when you have to juggle between studies and a small job 😱

Higher education grants

The government has therefore set up a higher education grant which is awarded to students with material or financial difficulties in order to pursue their studies more serenely. 

Foreign students are also entitled to it, you just have to meet the eligibility criteria 😉

Don't worry, we'll explain it all to you! 

  1. Eligibility criteria
  2. The benefits
  3. The amount
  4. Obligations of the student

Eligibility criteria

We invite you to consult the eligibility criteria carefully to avoid any unpleasant surprises ! 

  • You are enrolled in an initial training course in France
  • You are enrolled in a public or private training course
  • You are on a full-time course 

European student

In addition to the conditions mentioned above, you must :

  • either have been employed full or part-time in France during the reference year (N-2)*
  • or your father, mother or legal guardian received income in France during the reference year (N-2)*
  • or you have more than one year's (continuous) presence on French territory on 1 September of year N**

* N-2 means two years ago

** N means the current year

Non-European student

In addition to the conditions mentioned above, you must :

  • either be the holder of a temporary residence permit or a resident card and have been domiciled in France for at least two years, and have a tax household in France for at least two years.
  • or have refugee status recognised by Ofpra.
  • or benefit from the subsidiary protection granted by Ofpra.

The benefits

As a scholarship holder, you are entitled to several benefits such as :  

  • exemption from university tuition fees
  • exemption from CVEC
  • 1€ meal in some CROUS university restaurants
  • priority in the allocation of Crous accommodation

The amounts (2022/2023)

Amounts 2022/2023
Types of grants Annual rates over 10 months (in euros) Rates for students benefiting from the continuation of the grant during the main university holidays (in euros)
Echelon 0 second 1 042 1 250
Echelon 1 1 724 2 069
Echelon 2 2 597 3 116
Echelon 3 3 325 3 990
Echelon 4 4 055 4 866
Echelon 5 4 656 5 587
Echelon 6 4 938 5 926
Echelon 7 5 736 6 883
Source : ux-1486

Obligations of the student

In order to receive this financial aid and to have access to these benefits, you must respect certain obligations

You have to enrol, attend classes and take the exams ! 

Yes, that's right. 

You should know that the training establishments carry out two attendance checks, one each semester. Then they send this information to the Crous, which decides whether or not to continue paying the grant !