- Centre d'aide
- My accommodation reservation
- During my stay
How can you terminate your housing contract?
1. When should I notify my landlord of my departure?
First of all, you need to remember that the French lease is always made for a year.
You can break this contract at anytime but you will have to respect 1 month notice period.
This means that when you announce your wish to leave, you still owe the rent for at least 1 month.
2. How do I give notice of my departure?
- Sending a letter through La poste.
Write a letter (not by e-mail) and send it by registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt via La Poste online to your landlord (your agency, not the person indicated in the lease).
It must cost from €5.5 to €8, if it does not, you are sending the wrong type of letter.
- Drop off the letter by hand directly to the agency. (Our recommendation)
Here is the template of the letter.
3. Where should I send my notice letter?
Your notice letter should be sent to the address of the agency that is managing your housing.
You never send this notice to the actual landlord but to the agency with whom you dealt your booking.
(Livinfrance do not manage the house)
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