- Centre d'aide
- University & CROUS
- All the information on CROUS
How to contact CROUS ?
You need to contact quickly CROUS because :
- You are looking for an accommodation ?
- You have a technical question concerning (grant, others aids,..)
No worry we're going to explain you how to do 😉.
Housing search
If your question concerns an accommodation the easiest way is to go through the CROUS platform, attention there is a bunch of CROUS in France, to find the one responsible for you, you have to Google : contact CROUS + (the city name where you're looking for a room)
Once your research done click on the first link, and you'll find the contact details of your CROUS of reference.
Don't forget to for your accommodation search you need to go to the platform : Research a CROUS accommodation
Technical question
If you want to get more technical information about grants and others aids visit this link