1. Centre d'aide
  2. CAF
  3. Our advices to get CAF

How to send a document to the CAF ?

You need to send a document to the CAF, but you don't know how to proceed ? There are several possibilities ! 

You are a beneficiary : 

1 - Caf asks you to send a document :

Log on to your personal space My account on caf.fr or on the mobile app Caf-mon Compte, section « Mes démarches », tab « À transmettre » and drop your documents.

2 - Caf asks you to send a document, but you cannot do it from your account

Caf has set up an e-mail address so that you can send your documents easily
(XX= n° of departement) 

Don't forget to specify the purpose of your request and your beneficiary number so that the Caf can process your request quickly.

You are not a beneficiary : 

1- You wish to apply for a benefit ? The most part of these procedures can be done online.

Go to caf.fr, section apply for a benefit and follow each step of the procedure

2 - Caf asks you to send a document to complete your application for a benefit

  • If the CAF makes the request by post, you must return the documents by post to the address of the CAF in your town
  • If the Caf sends you the request by email, then you must return the documents by email via this address :
    transmettreundocument.cafXX@info-caf.fr  (XX= n° of departement).