1. Centre d'aide
  2. VISA
  3. After your arrival in France

What is OFII?

Created in 2009, the OFII is now the State's sole operator in charge of legal immigration in France 🇫🇷.

Once they arrive in France, a lot of international students have to validate their VISA. It used to have to be done inside of the OFII offices but now, everything is online (👉🏼 click here).
French bureaucracy is no longer a nightmare 😇

OFII has 4 missions  💪🏼

  • The management of regular procedures alongside or on behalf of prefectures and diplomatic and consular posts. 
  • Welcoming and integrating immigrants authorized to reside permanently in France and who have signed a Republican Integration Contract with the State. 
  • Welcoming asylum seekers. 
  • Assistance for the return and reintegration of foreigners in their country of origin.