What is the "Etudes en France" procedure look like?

The "Etudes en France" platform will allow you to manage all the administrative procedures for your studies in France, from the application to French higher education institutions to the visa application. 

If you live in one of the following 69 countries, you must go through a specific application procedure, called Etudes en France (EEF):

Azerbaijan, Algeria, Argentina, Bahrain, Benin, Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gabon, Georgia, Ghana, Guinea, Haiti, Hong Kong, India, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, United States, Indonesia, Chad, Iran, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Dominican Republic, Lebanon, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Qatar, Russia, Senegal, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, Thailand, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Vietnam.

To help you in your EEF procedure, we have concocted an article detailing step by step this procedure, come on, we explain it all to you!  ❤️

  1. Registration on the "Etudes en France" platform
  2. Constitution and submission of the application form
  3. Payment of the application fee
  4. Validation of the application and completion of the pedagogical interview
  5. The answer of the institutions

Step 1 : Registration on the "Etudes en France" platform

After having informed yourself about study in France, you will be able to create your personal space on the "Etudes en France" platform

For this step, you must have :

  • An identity document (CNI or Passport)
  • A valid email address

All you have to do is choose your Campus France space (Campus France + your country), and fill in the requested information! Easy, isn't it? 😉

At the end of your registration, you will receive a file number (e.g. CGXX-XXXXX) that you will have to fill in at each contact with its Campus France space.

→ "CG" corresponds to the Country (ex: Morocco, the file number will start with "MA")

Step 2 : Creation and submission of the application file

The application form is one of the most important steps in the Campus France procedure since it is your first selection phase.

The online application form must be completed and submitted to Campus France with the required documents within the deadline.

To prepare for this step, you must have at least :

  • 1 passport photo 
  • 1 copy of your identity card
  • 1 copy of all your transcripts and diplomas
  • 1 CV

    For the DAP procedure, you can make 3 choices of courses, 
    For the non-DAP procedure, you can choose up to 7 courses. 

    Step 3: Payment of application fees

    The procedure for paying the application fee is specific to each country, but in general here are the steps to follow

    • Provide your Campus France file number and your identity card
    • Go to a bank agency and pay the application fees

    Step 4: Conducting the academic interview

    The educational interview is the second step in the selection process. Campus France wants to make sure that your study plan is relevant and coherent.

    After your application has been validated, you will receive a notification on your EEF space where you can make an appointment with a counselor for your interview.

    This interview will allow Campus France to learn about your study plan and your motivations, as well as to review your choices regarding the higher education institutions you have chosen.

    Don't forget to bring your invitation to the interview and a piece of identification.

    To help you prepare for your interview, we have listed the questions that can be asked! And yes, LivinFrance even accompanies you in this process ❤️

    I prepare for the interview 💪

    Step 5: The response from the institutions

    Upon receiving one or more positive responses, you will need to make your final choice and print your Pre-enrolment Agreement. You will need to have this document signed and stamped from a Campus France Agent.

    For more information, we invite you to consult the article published by Campus France.

    You are now ready for your VISA application! ✔️