1. Centre d'aide
  2. Rental in France
  3. How to successfully check-out

Why the check out is so important?

Checking out in France is a specific process and as a tenant, you have some responsibilities whatever the circumstances are.

In order to leave your house, you must resign the engagement from your lease contract. There is one and simple way: the notice of departure. You can check the example here 🎉

What you should remember : 

  • The usual way is to send the notice of departure by post-mail with proof of receipt. It has to be sent A MINIMUM 1 month before your departure date (depending on which city, it can be up to 3 months).
  • If you have an emergency and therefore need to leave your house urgently, you still need to notify your landlord. If you already left, send an email as soon as possible and explain the situation.

  • Then, you need to schedule your check out with your landlord as soon as possible so both of you can be available. If that's impossible, leave the keys in the house mail box or in the house. 

  • Instructions and information about the financial commitment can differ depending on the landlords so you need to wait until your landlord gives you any further detail. 

  • If your charges are "provisions sur charges", you need to read that.