CONDITIONS TO GET YOUR VISALE: Have already obtained your visa, and have your school certificate.
- Go to
Click on "Je demande visale" and then "Je suis locataire" - Create your visale account by clicking on "Je m’inscris à visale"
For the last 3 questions, click on "non", "j'accepte" and "j'accepte", as shown in the example
- Click on "Demander un visa", then fill in your details
Please note
- Be sure to indicate "1 signataire" if you are the only person signing the contract (excluding the landlord)
- The "nom d'usage" corresponds to the family name
- If you are a non-European student with a visa, you must choose: "Hors union européenne avec carte de séjour valide"
- If you have never lived / paid taxes in France, then you must tick "No" for the "Régime fiscal"
Indicate "Étudiant boursier" only if your scholarship is issued by the French government or equivalent. Otherwise, select "Étudiant non-boursier".
Leave the "code action logement" box blank, and click on "Je teste mon droit au visa".
- Fill in the information about your accommodation, if you've found one, or about the accommodation you're looking for if you haven't found one yet. Click on "Je valide" and then on "Je souhaite bénéficier de Visale pour un loyer (charges comprises) de 800 € (Région Île de France) ou 600 € (dans le reste de la France)"
- Provide the requested supporting documents
- Check the boxes, verify your information, and finally click on "Confirmer ma demande visa". That's it! You're done! You'll receive your reply within 72 hours!